Mobile phone batteries and chargers...?


New member
Apr 17, 2012
I have a few mobile phones in possession... each of their chargers are provided; most of them have similar voltage output but there are some chargers with different amp output... e.g.:

Samsung Galaxy S II - Output: 5v 0.7A,
Samsung Galaxy Note - Output: 5v 1A.

I have a multitude of battery chargers and portable charging units - to which some are generic as they are bought off ebay... with little to no description.

Considering the output voltages of these units are mainly similar, My main question relates to the Amp differences in these chargers. If for example I were to use a 1A output charger onto a 0.7A input mobile phone, would the differences in Amperes damage/degrade the battery's lifespan of the mobilephone unit thats not designed for such amount? Or would a lower amp output only charge the phone slower/faster depending on whats plugged in?

Hopefully someone can provide further clarity on this, preferably in layman's terms... thanks for your answers in advance.
It doesn't matter. The higher current charger may charge faster, and likewise, the lower current charge slower.