i'm 23 years old and have no fuqin life!! i live with my mum and i sit in my crummy little office all day lookin at videos on youtube and readin sh i tty self help books cos i freeze up whenever i speak to people in public. I feel like a waste of space with no purpose what so ever. my mum's my best/only friend which is pretty pathetic and she tells me everyday that everythin will be better when i graduate from uni. isn't uni supposed to be the best time of my life?!? 3 f u ckin years and haven't made a single friend cos i can't talk in public!! therapy doesn't work, medication doesn't work i'm NOT thinkin of suicide only because of the small chance that i'll change to the way i was in the future. I haven't had a girlfriend for 5 years or a friend for 3! i feel so pathetic its untrue!! FML

Answer if your life is as sh i tty as mine, or laugh or whatever