Trying to remember name of horror film - exorcism, strange things coming out of


New member
Oct 3, 2008
walls in bathroom? Hello, it's another one of those questions about asking for the name of a film I half watched and now want to watch again. It's a fairly recent film (since 2000), where a woman becomes posessed. The only two scenes I remember is one that takes place in a bathroom, where spiders, or maybe snakes start coming out of the walls of the cubicles, and a selection of scenes towards the end of the film where she goes to be exorcised, and the group doing the exorcism are thrown around the room and dramatically killed by a young demon-boy, the woman is rescued from the table where she is strapped down by her boyfriend (or other male) and they are then chased around an old church, or possibly school. Sorry to be so vague.