How reliable are Audi's?


New member
Apr 7, 2012
I am looking into getting another car. I currently drive a 2005 Mercedes E320, and I love it to pieces.... but she is driven HARD----- every day, and needs a break------ and I am 18, so I tend to have a heavy foot.

Anyway--- I am looking into getting an Audi A8. First of all, do you think I will be disappointed in them coming from a Mercedes, or no?

I am looking for an 05 or 06 Audi A8 but I see an 04 with 130,000 miles on it for pretty cheap.

How reliable/expensive are Audi's after their 100k mark? Please give me your input :) All is welcome!


***ALSO: Mommy & Daddy are not buying me my cars, I am not spoiled.... I work hard for what I have. Just throwing that out there.