Yes, I'm bitter before you ask LOL. You lot are all fans of RM/Barca so I figure you should get a different perspective. Now before you accuse me of jealousy, I have no problem with RM/Barca winning the Champions League in a close to equal competition.

But the fact is that

Real Madrid and Barcelona are getting so far ahead of the rest of Europe both commercially and sporting-wise that it's comical. For fvck's sake, even Manchester United, what was the most popular club in the world with the biggest international fan-base is being left in the distance by the Spanish giants.

Why the fvck does UEFA put RM and Barca in the same competition with the rest of Europe when La Liga diverts every penny to them? No other top European league does that, and the effect is similar to putting two Wal-Marts in the same neighborhood with 14 Bob's Grocery Stores and expecting a fair competition.

BQ: Is this RM/Barca's way of forcing a European Super League?

BQ2: Would you continue to watch the Champions League if it became the Cup version of the Spanish League?
MJ - Dude what is your obsession with "owning" people lol ? You didn't own anyone. Stop trying to turn everything into a battle you knob. I'm clearly trying to have a real conversation about a football topic. I know you live with your mom at 30, but surely you aren't socially retarded enough to take it as an insult, I even said the Spanish mid-table was the best in the world, so why are you still bitching lol?

MJ - Dude what is your obsession with "owning" people lol ? You didn't own anyone. Stop trying to turn everything into a battle you knob. I'm clearly trying to have a real conversation about a football topic. I know you live with your mom at 30, but surely you aren't socially retarded enough to take it as an insult, I even said the Spanish mid-table was the best in the world, so why are you still bitching lol?
Travis - That's sound logic. I just hope the other 18 can put this protest together in an organized way that actually completes their goals. The Italian media is already complaining about this, hopefully everybody else will too.
MJ - See, just look at you man... I'm actually being nice for once...but just look at yourself. 30 years old and living at home with mom. Like do you realize, that nothing you say about me can overcome that fact? You are supposed to be financially independent and have at least the foundations of a solid career at 30. You are the definition of the archetypical loser dude... "the guy who lives with his mom at 30" ....Call me whatever you want if its makes you feel better about your situation, but the truth is that I tried to be friendly here. I'm sure you'll come up with some generic sh!t about you being a 'cool guy' in real life and how you get all the chicks lol....or maybe something me needing to make friends or get laid like you do to everyone else, but whatever works for you. I don't like Dubya either, but I can tell that he's a smart guy and capable of discussing a football issue if I brought it up friendly like tonight - you? You've got no
Freddy - Yeah, that's a good point. Spanish youth academies have been doing very well as of late. It's looking like that model is superior to everybody elses, other leagues are going to have to import it to keep up. BTW thank you for answering the question without insulting.
MJ - Slave of the system? When I graduate, somebody will be paying me money for me to do something I'm good at and more importantly, that I like... that makes me a mindless slave?