Could this woman harm her son, the way she holds him?



My wife and I are quite concerned about a family friend, a young woman who has a son, age 6. She holds the boy on her lap a lot, which is great. But we're worried that she could injure him, with the way she holds him.

She always holds him on her lap with her hands pulled in on his stomach extremely tight. It's no illusion, we've both seen it countless times. She holds him incredibly tight, with her hands sunk back into the soft of his stomach a good two inches deep.

The boy seems perfectly at ease and contented. But it can't be good for him to have his stomach squeezed in so extremely tight. She's not just holding him a little snug, she's holding him as if she's squeezing him in two, pulling her hands back into his stomach all the way to his spine!

Often he will just sit there getting held like this. Or he likes to play a game where he tries to get up off her lap, but she won't let him go, and then afterwards his stomach is kept held back in visibly deeper than before. He really likes this game, and it usually ends after a few rounds when she is holding his stomach in so ultra-intensely tight that he can no longer even wiggle. Then she will keep on holding him this way, so tight that it couldn't possibly get any tighter.

Couldn't she be damaging his internal organs? Even if the boy likes getting held so tight, couldn't it be dangerous? My wife and I are so concerned, we've thought of talking to this woman about the way she holds her son, before she squeezes him into some unforeseen injury.