Why are people spreading rumors?


New member
Jun 7, 2008
I am a stay at home mom of 3 who has been married for 8 years. I never get a chance to go out because I take care of the kids all the time. Last week my best friend and I went out to a local restaurant that is also a brewery. We decided to go there because it was close to home and my husbands best friends sister works there. She gives us free beers so it was a win win. We hung out at the bar for awhile amongst a few funny drunk people and then went to the movies across the street. A few days later my husband calls me from work livid because the sister ( who we were hanging out with) told her brother ( my husbands friend) that I was at the bar hanging out with some guy and the guy told her I was unhappy in my marriage!!! Now my husband was pissed that i would tell some stranger this which i didn't. I did no such thing as to talk to some weird guy. There was a guy at the bar trying to talk to my engaged friend and we both joked around with some old guys who walked by for like 1 min, but that was it!
My issue is, why would she tell her brother I said i was unhappy with my marriage? Even if i did say that to her face, so what? Plenty of people complain about their spouses and in this case i said no such thing. Not to mention she said a guy from the bar told her!!! WTF? She tells her brother " hey so and so was at the bar with some guy and he says she was unhappy with her marriage"??? I don't get it, i was there to see her and took pics with her etc, someone sense would tell her i wouldn't hang with some guy in front of her face if i was sneaking around. I think that is just a story she told t=so she could say the thing about me being unhappy. My husband was upset at first and then realized that he was over reacting. So we are fine
The other thing that bothers me is that the chicks brother spreads it too, like it was something to tell!!! hahaha its kind of funny that going out for one night could lead to so much drama, but what is the point? I'm just curious what you all think because I don't get it. Now I want nothing to do with his friend because i don't see it like he was looking out for his friend, but just spreading gossip. What an A$$