to America"? So, some Korans accidentally got disposed of in a way they considered improper.

Boo, hoo.

What are these Muslims trying to accomplish when they riot and scream? Are they just trying to throw temper tantrums?

After all, if it's trying to garner sympathy or sensitivity for their cause, they're going about it in completely the wrong way. If it's to get respect for Islam, well, the OPPOSITE is happening, in the civilized world. And God knows it's certainly not to prove how Islam is a "religion of PEACE"!

They could have said "we don't like what you did" in any number of effective, respectful ways. What they're doing only makes them look like bloodthirsty savages, whether they are or not.
I'm not in favor of what the USA has done in the Middle East. But the problem is that these nuts are going ape over a simple mishandling of a book, not even done in protest. I'm also not in favor of book burning, either. But to go ape over this is absurd. If they are unhappy about the USA's actions in the Mideast, let them protest THAT. Not some stupid incident like this.

And I hope users like "maryama" are just trolls. I would hate to think that's how English-speaking Muslims actually think and feel. What a stupid comment, anyway. Suggesting we get violent over it.

Rev Chris, you are 100% right. This wasn't a "Burn the Koran because we hate Islam" act. It was just a way of disposing of evidence and tools of wrongdoers, which Muslims didn't agree with.

They burn Bibles and American flags and symbols all the time. Double standard, much?
@jim jimly, that's part of the problem. Why do you make this about disliking Islam overall? I dislike what Muslims are doing in this case, and many other similar cases before this. The question is, how do they defend THESE actions? And what could they possibly be hoping to prove with this tirade?

@soso surprise, as I've pointed out before, if people in Islamic countries want to protest the USA's actions in the Middle East, have at it. But this is whining about a non-protest disposal of Korans being used to pass messages amongst criminals. You're using some unrelated events to justify some horrible actions. And if you don't like the way Islamic countries are being treated, maybe they shouldn't act in a way which tends to justify the opinions of those who hate Muslims' mindsets.
And for the record, self-proclaimed Muslims burn Bibles and US Flags ALL THE TIME.