"Lord Lawson should name funder of climate sceptic think tank, judge told"


Active member
Jun 6, 2008
An anti-science climate denialist "think" tank (the word "think" clearly does not actually applyl here) is said to have received a big chunk of money from some anonymous source, and an effort has been made to find out who that source is. This is all happening in Britain where all the legal systems are strange and alien to me. Here's a teaser and a link to the details.

THERE IS "enormous public interest" in naming the climate sceptic Global Warming Policy Foundation's seed donor and "a pressing need to scrutinise" any links he has with the oil and coal industry, an information tribunal judge heard today (Friday, January 27, 2012).

Brendan Montague, the co-founder and director of the Request Initiative, asked the tribunal to reveal the name of the wealthy public figure who gave £50,000 to launch Lord Lawson's think tank, an increasingly influential charity which attacks climate science and has called for changes to climate policies.

Mr Montague's initial Freedom of Information request was refused by the Charity Commission in 2010 and that decision was upheld by the Information Commissioner on the grounds that it would be "unfair" to release personal data without permission from the funder.

However, Mr Montague took the case to the Information Tribunal arguing there is a "legitimate public interest"...​

Read the rest here.

In a related matter, do consider visiting the Climate Science Legal Defense Fund page on Facebook. As you may know, I'm being threatened with a law suit for, like, a zillion pounds by a climate science denialist in Britain. I may need help! But if not me, than someone. Climate denialists will stop at nothing to force their bankrupt agenda.

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