Why do people start smoking?

Nov 7, 2011
I really don't understand at all. They know it kills them, and to start, you have to get over the initial reaction of disgust for it, so why even begin?
Smokers, insight?
cigarettes not pot :p
peer pressure, and family
for most people around here, their PARENTS are forcing them to start smoking and shoving cigarettes down their throats till they become used and addicted!!

please answer my questions:
Tobacco is addictive so once you start, you get hooked. Some people don't get hooked at all but do it to look cool or just for the hell of it.
I can't stand the smell of it and I hate cigarettes. I have 2 smokers in my family, both started because of stress so I'm guessing that's a main contributor.
When I was a teenager, I used to think its cool to smoke ciggies. In those days awareness campaign was non-existent.
I used to smoke a lot, no real good reason I started, I honestly just wanted to look cool and lose weight haha... I never got addicted no matter how hard I tried. I've been off them for months and well, I haven't had a craving the whole time. Some people are just born to be addicts!
dares, pressure, depression, that kind of stuff
but if you think about it, almost everyone thinks "what if I smoked" every now and then
MMM pot. Anyway, usually because of peer pressure. Or alcohol related. I have my first and only cig cause I was black out drunk.
I've never smoked, all of my friends do, I just never wanted to, and they respect that and I respect them for respecting that. I do drink though.
Your talking about cigarettes right?

I don't know, they probably try one and if they like it they keep smoking because they get addicted to the nicotine. I tried one at a party when I was like 16 because I was drunk and I thought it was disgusting and tasted horrible so obviously I wouldn't become a smoker but I guess it just grows on some people.
For me, it really was enjoying the sensation of blowing out smoke from my mouth.

That novelty was not enough to get me severely addicted, so I was able to quit with ease.
I've tried cigarettes before for a week. It didn't relieve me from my stress or anything like that except how your mouth tastes like ash. Sucked.
i hate cigarette smoke! my friends smoke just to look cool i only smoke weed but i do it because it makes me forget about my miserable life!
Some people like getting tar in their systems but don't like the traditional way of just eating it.