Going to work on Crate training with my 10 wk old pom tonight... Suggestions/help?


New member
Mar 18, 2009
We have all of the supplies and I have geared myself up to ignore the poor thing crying (I know he is fine but I have a weakness for him). I am determined to do this till he is properly house trained to potty outside. Suggestions/advice/help?

Please dont tell me this is a cruel practice, I have studied up on it and believe that not crate training is more harmful for the dog as it will be unsupervised as i sleep.

I have done my homework on it, now i just need some real life suggestions and tips to make this as least stressful as possible for the both of us.

Also I have read mixed reviews on introducing him gradually to being put in his crate vs just putting him in it overnight. What do you guys think? Thank you so much for your help..