why do everybody laugh at me when i tell them i have asus ares and my computer spec?


New member
Dec 3, 2011
i swear its all true:
asus ares 4gb graphic card
big bang motherbourd
12gb ram
1200 watt good series power

it alll costs $6000
i7 extreme cpu
4tb hard
fonix case
1mb/sec internet

i know it sounds a bit extreme but i can also tape it.
im 15 years old
They laugh because they are jealous. At the end of the day you can play any game you want.
Sounds like something that might come available in the future. About 75 years from now. I have just built myself a super computer and it is all I would ever want. I don't have the power supply over kill, or the Ram over kill.
I just have a 2 TB HDD, 8 GB ram, intel i7 4 core processor @3.40 GHz.
That is enough for me. cost: 1664 bucks.
Waste of money... If you know about computers its worth building your own, it's a lot cheaper.
Very nice. However if you can afford that then you might want to spend a bit more on your internet connection, 1Mbps is very slow.
Because it is very easy to build a PC much more powerful than that for less than half the price.
High spec computer but not that funny... don't know why people would laugh!!!