He doesn't text me back but he "likes" me? is he really not interested?


New member
Dec 1, 2011
This guy that i've been talking to for a while doesn't text me back :/ Whenever we're together he hugs me, holds my hand, and we kiss,etc.

But when we text it's usually short conversations and sometimes when i text him he doesn't text back :/

I feel like i'm the one putting in the effort and he's not, but he confuses me cause when we ARE together he does all of the flirting and initiating things.

What do you think?

(btw we're both in highschool idk if that might matter)
Some people just aren't big on texting. I had this one girl who was the worst at texting, I would get replies hours later.. or sometimes not at all. It's nothing to be concerned about though. You're just fine:). Good luck!!