Dear ios/android/symbian lovers will any of you consider nokia lumia


New member
Jul 12, 2008
i have played with my friends windows phone, it is has a nice clean ui, seemed crisp enough & intuitive to operate & i have even mentioned it to others as an option to consider.
my first phone were nokia & i have had plenty, they are good solid phones with some great features.
but to be honest, no i wouldnt consider buying a nokia phone now or any other windows phone. the moaning from my friend about lack of updates, apps & support soured any considerations i had for that platform. i am an android user & to me the windows OS reminds me of the iphone iOS, not in looks but in lack of customizing screens to how i want & lack of many features that can be found in android. actually my windows mobile friend has become so jealous of my android phone being able to do the live wallpapers, widgets, live content & all the other cool fun stuff that he has decided to go android.
800/710 over iphone4s/galaxy s2? nokia recently launched lumia 800 windows phone which directly compete with iphone4s and galaxy s2 and lumia 710 which compete with galaxy sl and optimus black.will any of you prefer to buy this over droid of ios device and why.