Are cons aware that scientists agree that the earth warms and cools...


New member
Nov 10, 2011
...naturally, but new trends seem extreme? I see con after con talk about how the earth warms and cools throughout history...

yeah, scientists agree... BUT... (and this is the key part)... after studying those past trends, they think that recent warming is different... and they are trying to figure out why it's seems to be the leading explanation...

this is kind of the VERY BASICS of the discussion, yet it seems most cons are hung up on this point?
MULTIPLE studies have been done on the sun, it just DOESN'T CORRELATE... and yes, the warming trends do seem to be different...

oh, you bought a book on Amazon... I'm sure that's better than ACTUAL SCIENTIFIC STUDIES...
Yup. America could shut down tomorrow china, brazil, india, etc would keep on spewing. Nothing but a attempt to raise taxes and increase regulation IMHO.

The only way to curb carbon emissions is to wipe out a significant portion of the global community. I say we start with Pakistan. If that works we can move to north Korea.
Yes I know but it has been doing this for millions of years. We are safe enough for the next hundred or so years w/o doing much of anything. Ill be dead by then. Peace
Admission that man is causing climate change means that we not only can but must act. That involves cost. Conservatives recognize that the most serious effects won't take place until after their deaths, so they simply don't care about climate change.

It's all about money.
They aren't to geologists. If you will read the peer reviewed papers from esteemed geologists like the University of Oslo's Tom Segalstad, you will soon discover that people who think in geologic time aren't impressed by the global warming community. Segalstad's ice core research and calculations indicate that the contribution of CO2 is small, its lifetime is small, and the IPCC models are not supported by the relevant scientific data.

Here is a video of Dr. Segalstad for an introduction.
Are libs aware they can tax us into oblivion and it would change nothing but make the rich richer and the poor poorer...why don't you figure that out genius? Scientists were paid by government to get the results they wanted so they could tax us...OBAMA, GORE and their ilk actually set up a carbon credit exchange in Chicago, where they were going to make $10 TRILLION a year exchanging HOT AIR...they didn't plan to REDUCE EMISSIONS...they planned to increase the flow of your money into their pockets.

IT IS RIDICULOUS to believe you can change the climate of a planet by charging money for hot air.
Why do you hang your every wet dream on scientist that have been paid well to continue the "man made" hoax". If you believe that it is man's fault then do your part to help out. Stop breathing out all that evil carbon dioxide or even better just leave the planet.
...and not one of their models have proven accurate in predicting anything...past or future. We've been cooling for the past 15 years and not one of their models predicted it. And you want to stay on the band wagon why?
I think that science has provided us with better ways to heat and cook thus protecting the environment. Can you imagine the quality of the air when all people heated and cooked with firewood?
"after studying those past trends, they think that recent warming is different"
- no they don't, not the honest and competent ones.

"man seems to be the leading explanation"
-no man isn't, the sun is.

There is zero evidence suggesting that man is influencing climate. I highly recommend this book:
Their research doesnt go back very far and why do global warming scientists keep resigning and getting caught for faking data and in some cases admitting it?

Give me a break. Theyve been pushing the same crap since the 70s.

Junk science BY idiots FOR idiots.