apbt outdoors in extreme COLD?


May 17, 2008
2 me it is freezing maybe like 50 it rained today so the inside of my dogs doghouse is a lil wet and i was at school. After the Rain my parents put her outside in the freezing cold I dont have a say so cuz im only 17 and i was at school and she is not a good indoor dog becuz shes to hyper but i got mad and went to go get her How can i get my parents to keep her inside no matter how hyper she is. My parents are elderly and cant handle her their self
I exercise her everyday i have time i get home at 330 Homework and then its usually Dark it gets dark at 5 I can walk her over a mile a day and shes still extremly hyper
Its bcuz they are elderly and cant get around all that well They got me the dog becuz my other 2 dogs are elderly and wont play or anything.
I cant move out becuz i dont have a car to get to school and i dont have a job yet she will only b more miserable away from here bcuz instead of being in a 10 by 10 pen she will be in a tiny kennel and she is a year old
Putting a rowdy dog outside doesn't teach the dog how to behave, it just makes life easier for the people - at least for the time being, until the dog gets frustrated and starts digging, barking, charging at people, etc.

The dog needs to be given activities to burn off energy (feeding out of treat-dispensing toys, teaching tricks, played with in the yard, etc.) and taught to be calm in the house (shown to lie on a bed and chew a toy, for example, and given attention when relaxed, not hyper). If your parents aren't willing to do this, it's better for the dog to be re-homed with someone who will give her what she needs so she can meet her full potential.

You don't mention the dog's age but a one mile walk isn't nearly enough exercise for any APBT younger than 5 years. Most young APBTs need about one hour of aerobic exercise daily. That means playing with other dogs, playing fetch, swimming, running, doing agility, flyball, etc.
my dog was hyper until we taught her not to she has to get comfortable to your home then thats when she calms down so tell the to keep her inside and she will calm down. you could exercise with her and get rid of her energy everyday and then she will clam down.
Giving her the proper exercise and mental stimulation will help cut down her being hyper.
Aww poor dog. Dogs shouldn't be forced to be left outside in the cold and you have 3 dogs outside in the cold. 2 of them being elderly. Your parents shouldn't have dogs.
Why not advise your parents to confine her to one room in the house. Leave her with plenty of toys, idealy the type of toys which engage the brain such as Kongs etc filled with food which will keep her busy. Try giving her a walk before you go to school, or if you cant walk then do some training or games with her. The same can be done when you get home, if you can go out in the dark then do training in the house, its much more mentally tiring than a walk. Teach her fun tricks, teach her to stay or look at you etc then show your parents how to get her to do it, the better you train her the more likley your parents are to have her in the house.
Sorry to hear about your situation ! you know you can always get an igloo type kennel put lot of blankets down that will help to keep them warm the igloo will also keep in heat and keep out rain . Also you can place the igloo in the pen ,( if you want ) . both my Pit Bulls and Boxer have their own room in my house with a Queen size mattress on the floor . but no they are not spoiled . ya right . Seriously think about an igloo for them .
Go biking with her so she isn't as hyper. (or running)

Dogs can handle cold, my dog has lived outside since she was 7 wks old.

Dogs are meant to be outside, being outside does not equal cruel!