(poll) What do you think of GIRLS driving pickup trucks?


New member
Nov 2, 2011
So I'm looking into getting my first car (or maybe truck :p) and I'm wondering what people think when they see a girl driving a pickup truck . I asked a couple of my friends and they said I shouldn't get a pickup truck Because its not cute and they they see me driving a range rover or something which is my dream car but I don't feel it's necessary for me to have such a luxurious car for my first car . The truck I like is the 2011 ford f-150 Lariat limited edition . I would make it cute by putting nice rims on it, cute decals for the windows, rhinestone frame for the tag, ect . Not too much . So do you think it's weird for a chick to be driving a pickup truck ? Cute ? Sexy ? Cool ? Diskusting ? Please state your answer and if your a male or female . Thanks :)
I'm female and while I've never really wanted to drive a pick up truck myself, I see nothing wrong with other women driving one if that's what they want to do.

Most people I've known who have driven trucks have been men but I have known some women who have. From my own observations there were a lot of men that thought it was "Great" or "Cool" that a women had a truck.