What would happen if the police caught me allowing people to smoke cannabis and

You would be held responsible for letting them stay in the house to do it unless you called the police yourself, otherwise dealing cannabis depending on where you live and your age usually gives you 6 months to 2 years in prison. Good luck with that.
You REALLY don't know what would happen? I think you are only doing this for attention...And I hope you get the cops' attention so you go to jail. See how much attention you get there....
there are plenty of charges for trafficking that would apply and if any of them are under age the charges just keep going up and up.
Well in my state under 35 grams of weed is just a misdemeanor, but any amount of coke is a felony.
They would take the house away from you, and you would still have to pay the bills on it.
You will find out soon when the police have traced this Yahoo Answers question,

Only takes a day or so because everything is read, the same as Facebook & Twitter!
You'll be housed and fed free of charge. And it is still us who are working to pay (through our taxes) for your bullsh-it. Quickly a return to corporal punishment. It is cheaper for taxpayers!
Robin B : Beech! And I who doesn't stop writing that I have a fake identity.....What smart we are on this site!!!