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Results 1 to 5 of 5
  1. #1
    Junior Member lowlevel's Avatar
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    Oct 2011
    iOS. It is well supported (unlike Android) and it is not fighting for its life (like Symbian). The best quality and most apps that will work on any iPhone that is two years old or newer, and a really smooth user interface.

  2. #2

    Android vs Symbian belle vs ios?

    which OS (operating system) is the best from your point of you and why?

  3. #3
    Junior Member AshiqRafa's Avatar
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    Oct 2011
    Symbian is very back from ios and android. The real fight is between Joseph and android. So, I'm gonna post Joseph vs android.
    1. Adobe flash player (iPhone doesn't has this. We know that how important this app is while surfing through your PC. So how a phone without this can be a smart one?)
    2. Widget (Every user will want their home to be customized as they want to make it look awesome. The Widgets will keep a short cut, sleek look and many
    other functions of their own by placing the superb icon
    [1 x 1 , 1 x 2 , 2 x 2 , 2 x 3 , 3 x 3 , 3 x 4 , 4 x 4]. In iphone this settings are not available)
    3. Live wallpaper (it is in the latest ios where apple even had option for wallpaper even. The way to make home awesome is by adding a proper wallpaper. It will be superb to add HD wallpapers. Both android and iPhone support this. But what if a live wallpaper is
    being added. It will be awesome in superb. Android does it while iPhone not.)
    4. More games and apps (Both has almost the same number of apps and games available. But for Android, it has the maximum number of free games and apps in
    its market. Considering the external sources for apps,
    android has more and iPhone is a mile back)
    5. Best syncing ( everyone knows that email is the fastest way of sending letters. But, is it worth if you don't get a chance access it at right time. Although, iPhone support email, in android, phones can be synced with Facebook, twitter, Gmail, yahoo and any account. So if you got a new friend on Facebook it will be available on your contact list)
    6. Best notification setting ( iPhone has a notification bar at the top. But it just shows only the
    notifnotifications. Means, if a new message is arrived, you can see the message icon on the bar. But you will need to manually open the messaging app. (Not.popup) In android you can scroll down your
    notification bar and thus its easy to switch with the notified app)
    7. alternate keyboard (you will need to use only with the one keyboard of iPhone, in iPhone. While many keyboards are available for android )
    8. Automation (in android you can set apps in the way you want to. But in iPhone, apple decides all these.)
    9. Launchers (in iPhone you can install launchers only after jail breaking. While in android next generation launchers like sbp are available with a 3D interference. )
    10. Removable battery and memory (iPhone doesn't support this. Athough this isn't a android support, every android phones are in this way. So by removable
    battery, you can choose a multi charger to charge and
    with removable memory, you can choose memory reader to share data.)
    11. Custom roms (iPhone doesn't has it. In android you can install the OS mode what you like)
    12 . Controlability from PC (in android you can control your mobile from PC and PC from mobile)
    13. True app integration (in android,if a URL is being mentioned in a SMS, when a user click on it, it will ask for any browser to use, like Dolphin, opera, browsers
    (you can also choose a browser as default) , so that it is in the way you like. But in iPhone, it will be going with its safari. So if you want to use opera instead, you
    will have to manually do it)
    14. Automation : (iPhone doesn't had this service as it not support true app integration. In android, this service lets you completely automate your phone. You
    can set your phone to be silent when entering theater, auto GPS for selected apps etc ..)

    The best things about Android is that most applications are free, there is a free market and there are a lot of people who submits their applications to Android
    Market. Android-based phones can also perform multitasking. The current version of iPhone OS does
    offer limited multitasking, but only allows native applications such as Mail, iPod and Phone to run in
    the background. Android users can receive notifications, listen to music, or even record GPS data
    without keeping the application open. Gingerbread has the "Voice Talk" built in it. Voice Talk has the best speech recognition engine bar. You can say some pretty
    random stuff when you're voice to texting and it picks up just about anything as long as you're clear and no one is speaking over you. Siri was a standalone company that had an app for previous iphones. Now, Apple bought it out and built it in to their OS. So the
    previous post was mostly false. Voice actions are not licensed/copyrighted/etc by Apple...Siri is. Thanks
    again to Apple for confusing the novice into thinking Apple came out with some feature first and then name branding it. Most of the other capabilities/specs in the
    iphone 4s shown in the demo video have been in Androids or are in Androids like the Galaxy S2. If you can tell I like Android then let me end by letting you know I do have an open mind and try to remain unbiased.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Jack's Avatar
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    May 2008
    symbian belle is bad. all thats happened over symbian is it has a new user interface that still looks dated and a few extra features. as a smart phone operating system it is still terrible. its only good for people that want SOME smart phone applications and good battery life as any phone with this OS will have much better battery life than a iphone or android based phone. symbian has been dropped by nokia that were the last phone company still supporting it and they have decided to take up windows phone 7 in all their new phones from now on.

    android vs ios. i own both a ipod touch that has iOS5 and had the iphone 2g. and i now own a htc desire running android 2.3.7 (the latest)(and if you want to know how i got it i rooted it go on xda forums)

    these operating systems are almost the same the only differences are:

    android wins:

    -android has a task manager that shows alot more info than
    -android has widgets iOS does not.
    -google doesnt check all the apps going on so you get some really innovative apps that apple decide are rubbish
    -apps given more privileges so you can do more with your phone!
    -apps on the market designed for rooted phones let you do literally anything with your phone, a group are working on flashing a windows phone 7 rom onto your android phone.
    -apps to look at and restrict data usage, texts, and phone usage (useful if on a contract that has limits)
    -flash in the internet browser (lets you watch videos on websites)
    -more apps are free on android!! because apps can do more they can put advertising on their apps meaning premium games like angry birds that cost money on the apple app store are free on the android app store. apps also dont have to pay google every time they are sold unlike the apple store so it means apps that do cost money can be cheaper and still turn the makers a profit!

    iOS wins:

    -iOS has folder but android gets this in android 4.0 released in 8 days
    -larger market size and apple looks at all market apps so less clutter than android marketplace
    -itunes store with loads of music and movie
    -currently taking photos is almost instant compared to android taking a few seconds however android 4.0 has instant capture

    all in all android wins. when looking between phones sometimes the iphone will win hardware wise but if comparing two top of the line phones, the iphone 4s and the samsung galaxy s2 the samsung galaxy s2 winds in all reviews no matter what apple fanboys say.

  5. #5
    Junior Member Gerhard's Avatar
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    Jun 2008
    Symbian has better hardware efficiency because of different ram mapping etc. It offers better stability and crash proofing because of its kernal. The ui isn't that fast but the in app performance is very good. Symbian is also designed to handle PHONE stuff better which is probably something you want on a phone. The new symbian Belle also has a more interesting ui(look at screenshots) with more functions like resizeable widgets.

    Nokia phones phones also come with of very nice free hardware and software. The official Microsoft office is also on its way to Belle that already has quick office. Nokia phones are also much better quality. A very nice feature of the new Belle phones is nfc which is simplified Bluetooth. If you look on the symbian Belle site nokia offers Belle on a range of best in class phones like the n8(camera) 603(cheap and colorful) 700(smallest) 701(brightest and specced) and e7(keyboard).

    Trust me choosing Belle is a no brainer. I have a lot personal experience and I have also done a lot of research into this!

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