Would you go back to talk to her or just forget about her and move on?


New member
Nov 7, 2011
This past Tuesday night, I dropped by a grocery store I used to work at for 3 years just to say, "Hi," to any of my past coworkers that I got along with and used to help out a lot.
3 of my former coworkers were there.
I talked with two of them and mentioned that I got a new job that I start next week.
One of them was a girl who I used to like and she used to like me.
She gave signs she liked me like not wanting me to leave her side, looking at me at times and asking me questions to find out what I like and what do I like to do when I'm not at work.
She once hinted at having lunch together.
The first sign she gave that made me think she liked me was Mother's Day of last year, when she gave me a look after I told a coworker there was another girl I liked.
When I still worked with her, a coworker asked her if she loved me and she automatically blushed.
She knows what I think of her as I once told her that she was the most beautiful girl at that job which I meant and she was speechless when I told her that.
I didn't ask her out because she was a few years younger than me (I am 27, she's 21) and her mom was my coworker too at the same job.
I ended up not working at that job anymore last November.
I never saw her again until late February of this year when I went back to that job to surprise her with valentines.
I gave her two Snow White shirts since she's the only beautiful girl I've met who has nice black hair and really does look like Snow White to me.
I gave her a box of chocolates.
I told her that I meant to come the week of valentines but I had spoke to another former coworker who told me that she hurt her back the week of valentines and had decided to take that week off.
I told the girl why I came back in a card that was in a sealed envelope.
I wrote down my cell # for her to text me whenever or to at least text me to tell me if she liked the valentines inside the card.
She did accept the valentines but she never text messaged me at all.
She was shy with me when I worked with her but being shy does not excuse that she was rude for not texting me to let me know that she at least liked the valentines.
It was fine if she didn't like me again or had a boyfriend but she should have text me to let me know she liked the valentines and that what I did was sweet.
I probably should have asked for her #, I was shy to ask her for her #.
I went back again the following week in early March of this year but to see another former who I did keep in touch with for a while, the girl I gave valentines to briefly turned around to look at me.
When I was back at that job this past Tuesday night, she must have been like 8 feet away from me when I was talking to those two other ex coworkers of mine and she never bothered to look at me.
I just have her mom's cell number as her mom was my coworker too at that job and some of my other ex female coworkers numbers on that job except her's.
I've never seen her smile at customers but she also does not come off snobby to customers.
I don't know if she would say more than two words if I go back to talk to her.