How do I tell my parents I dont want to do what they want, future wise.. Read..?


New member
Nov 25, 2010
My parents want me to get an Rotc scholarship and be a veternarian.. I mean I hate jrotc and dont want to be any part of rotc.. I want to become a veternarian and maybe play volleyball in college and I want to go to new york or LA.. Crazy I know because im a small town country girl.. Smh
then follow your dreams...ur parents can never understand..u need to stand firm in what YOU want to do...
Tell them. Look them in the eye squarely and tell them. If they won't budge, you have to do what you have to do to drive your life. You don't want to grow up one day and realise you life has been ruined by your parents do you?

My strict-as-hell parents promised to let me go for a singing course only after I pleaded for three months continuously. Today they said no again. Well, guess what? I got so sick of taking no for an answer I just emailed the singing school and informed them that I'm interested.

I'm working soon so I guess I could pay for the course. I might ask my parents, but if they say no I am seriously stealing MY bankbook from my mum's closet and whisking it off to the bank. Funny right? I have MY own bank account with MY money that I saved up, and I cannot touch a single cent of it according to them.
I'm going through the same thing too! Tell them that you're going to be miserable doing something they like. Your future is up to you and your parents aren't being very supportive if they are telling you to become what they want.