What's a good way to 'test the water' of a relationship?


Jun 4, 2008
There's this girl I'm totally
smitten with, like, never felt like this before.
There's a part of me which just loves spending time with her, but part of me wants something more, and I keep meaning to ask her to be my girlfriend.
I think she likes me too, but I'm not entirely sure.. what should I do to check? should I, like, try to kiss her? hold her hand? just straight up ask her? What would be the best time to do it?
I don't want to do anything stupid, in case we stop being friends, so, any ideas?
We're 16.
Don't kiss her that might make her uncomfortable! I think you should tell her your feelings, and if that doesn't work out you could always ask if you could forget about it or just stay friends then, without all the awkwardness