are dreams supposed to show you your emotions or your future?


May 16, 2008
ok its kind of a long story. 2 main things you have to know: I transferred to a new school about 2 years a go. and ive always been kind of paranoid about things. ok so at my new school i met my best friend Sara* and my ex bf Tyler*. anyway sara and tyler have been talking a lot lately. i dont care if they talk because they were great friends even before i came along, but now it seems more intimate as if they're rubbing it in my face that i dont know their secrets.sara knows im still in love with him though. She's also been kind of distancing herself from me, as if she doesnt want me around. i have a lot of issues dealing with friends leaving me and not wanting me around, which is part of the reason i left my old school. anyway in my dream, i see sara and tyler talking and i can finally hear what theyr saying. things like how im annoying, how they hate having me around, that im worthless, stupid and just a waste of space, i cant remember everything they said cuz no one remembers everything about their dream but things like that. so im just wondering are dreams showing you what your feeling, in my case what im most afraid of while im being paranoid and its just what im thinking about, or is it really happening and my hunch that their friendship is more true? please help, and no sugar coating it because i hate that, i need the truth.