I am 17 years old and I need help on a workout routine? Planet Fitness?


Jun 3, 2008
I am 17 and I have high cholesterol and I'm pretty sure I have heart clogging, I also weigh 220lbs. I recently joined a gym called Planet Fitness cause of the price. All I do is the treadmill, but I want a plan or routine that works to get me more healthy. The time I want to workout is about an hour, if not 30 minutes at the least.What routine should I follow at the gym?
you Have to build muscle. do treadmill after workout since you will have less sugars and energy stored and will use more fat cells. do not run, its better to do a light jog or a brisk walk for longer than a run for shorter distance. eat super healthy.
The elliptical is much better, because your hands moving in correlation with your feet, and they don't need the body movements that make your sides ache. Sorry to hear about your problem though :(