Should I wake my mom up, or am I just paranoid?


New member
Oct 3, 2011
Okay so, it's 3 a.m and for the last hour I've been hearing what I swear sounds like a clown horn or something like that every few minuets. I'm in my bedroom and I think I've figured out where it's coming from but I can't see anything that would be making that sound. I'm fourteen and I was wondering if you think this is something big enough to wake up my mom for or not. I have some problems with paranoia at night sometimes, but I'm know I'm actually hearing this, and there's no way I'm going to be able to get any sleep if it continues. And no, I do not have a fear of clowns, I just don't think I should be hearing this. What should I do?
PS I'm home schooled so don't give me grief for being up this late.
Please help me out here before I start freaking out!