Do you find it annoying how people complain about Holyfield cheating yet other great


May 30, 2008
boxers has done it before? people all complain about Holyfield cheating in his fight with Mike Tyson like he's the only boxer in the sports that cheats yet their are other great boxers such as Pernell Whitaker,Roy Jones Jr,Mike Tyson(other than the ear bite) and even the greatest heavyweight boxer of all time Muhammad Ali has cheated before too and what's funny is that they don't complain about them but they complain about Holyfield cheating.
@xenophobia this has nothing to do with race and yes most of them are black but that's not the reason why picked them. The reason is that those are the only boxers I can think of that cheated I was about to say Roberto Duran but I'm not sure if he actually did before though he seemed like it but if you're gonna turn this into a racial thing then that just tells me how ignorant you are.