Why do religion-hating athiests like to debate about religion so much?


New member
Sep 17, 2011
It just doesn't make sense to me. The amount of blogs, videos and articles I've seen that all bash religion and people like Richard Dawkins whose whole career revolves around religion... Don't you think it's a waste of life? Spending so much time on something you find so ridiculous. Why can't you just not believe in God and let other people believe in God if they want to. Each to their own sort of thing...?
I know there are religious people as well who spend their lives debating Atheism vs. Religion and that's pathetic as well, but if religion-hating atheists find religious people doing it so annoying then why do you do it yourselves?

And by the way I know not all atheists hate religion or spend their lives bashing and debating it, I'm talking about the blog owners, lecturers, professors, etc who constantlyyyy argue about it. What's the point?
I dont hate religion, but I'm intelligent and open minded enough to know that its not reality, but rather an enormously powerful brainwashing tool. Therefore witnessing the enormous damage and hatred it wreaks on humanity is enormously depressing. The way it instills fear into and destroys young innocent minds, opresses individuality, freedom, creativity and personal growth etc. is really tragic. I wonder why are we so afraid of nature, honesty and being true to ourselves and others, but instead prefer to hide behind some ''religion'' hoping that it will all be ok if we do?
because it makes them feel superior to others, they like to put down the faithful to make them feel stupid.
Because it is fun Yahoomis! Don't be so serious. You will find, like you, Christians bashing Atheist way more than the other way around. Like you and this question though you are trying to appear objective you got your facts wrong.
For good people to do evil things and call them good, THAT takes religion:
The inquisitions
The crusades
The Holocaust
The book burnings
The heretic burnings
Human sacrifice (including that of the mythical Jesus)
Countless wars in the name of religion
Backing of the institution of slavery
Hindering of science
Hindering of medicine
Hindering of social advancement
Hindering of education
Backing of slavery
Subjugation of women
Child rapes by religious leaders, and the cover-ups
Suicide bombings
...and much more.

I'd like to prevent repeats.
Beause religion is dangerous.
Fundamentalism is on the rise and more and more children are being denied a decent education because they happened to be born in some religion or other.
Religion turns off reasoning and logic and rejects questioning.
Good point.

If Dawkins *really* thought God was imaginary then he wouldn't spend his life trying to persuade people to agree with him.

It is dawkins and his gang who are the most ardent at pushing their ideas on people. And if you dare to disagree then prepare for the atheistic religious onslaught
They're just mad:) But no I think it's like how christian missionaries like to convert people to christianity, they like to convert people to atheism.
Probably because the religious have control of the government, so therefore religion effects everyone's lives. Atheists wouldn't hate religion so much if the religious would keep their noses out of everyone else's lives.

Why is this soooo hard to understand?

But you could always ask yourself "Why do Christians debate & bash Muslims so much then? Why do they spend so much time on something they think is so ridiculous?" What would your answers to this be? Hmmmm?
Because there is very few other things that can affect my life so much.

And it would be affected for no real reason.

If gods are not real then religion is truely the complete waste of life.
Richard Dawkins is a well respected scientist (biologist, I believe). He's written several books, the "God Delusion" was only one of them and not his best at that. It is the "christians" that demonize him and try to make his whole life about hating religion. In case you had not noticed, there is money to be made from blogs/videos/articles, the religionists do it, the politicos do it, the cookbook purveyors do it. Where there is a demand, there will be a supply.
Atheists/agnostics do not "hate" religion, they simply hate the religionists trying to get their religious beliefs written into the laws ans schools of what is essentially a secular nation. We just want ot KEEP it secular.
Blessings on your Journey!
Okay then next time someone you know gets blown to bits by some dimwitted religious fanatic who is upset with something in the church or with his concept of a god and wants to take it out on mall shoppers or maybe train or bus passengers, think about your question! No gods or devils exist anywhere outside of ones properly brainwashed mind!!! A PROVEN SCIENTIFIC FACT!!! This "debate" about this god concept thing is ridiculous and people are dying because of hallucinations!!!
I don't hate religion. I hate people who use religion as an excuse to hate. I don't really care. I just want the freedom to have my beliefs, (non-beliefs) and not be demonized for them.
Because religious folk continually try to impose their morality and beliefs on the rest of us. Stop doing that and I'll be more than happy never to debate anything with you again.
Because so many religions keep trying to push themselves on society.

If religious people kept their opinions to themselves, such debates would not happen.

I don't suggest that ceasing debate would be a good thing, but stopping the pushing would be. No more interfering with school subjects, segregating schoolkids, trying to limit scientific research, etc.
First of all, you can find all kinds of blogs, videos and articles about just about ANYTHING. I don't think the number of them that "bash religion" or promote atheism are all that extensive. Maybe you should ask yourself why you keep looking for all of them.

Second, Richard Dawkins' career does not revolve around religion. It revolves around science. You just don't like the conclusions he has made because they don't support your beliefs.

Third, there are no armed bands of atheists roving around forcing you to not believe in God. You can believe in God if you want to. Others who don't, have the right not to. There is no word for "missionary" that applies atheists, you know. Believers have a long history of forcing their beliefs on others, often times violently. NOT atheists.

Fourth, people debate about all sorts of things, and if you think about it, the question of whether God exists or not is probably one of the most important ones we can have, until it is finally resolved, one way or the other. Don't be annoyed that people who don't agree with you want to debate about it. That's the only way humanity will eventually find the truth... whatever it turns out to be.
To the godless geek. Dude just because a religious person does something does not mean all do that, many non religious people do bad things too (and most wars are not for religion, mostly just greed, and things like that).