TEENS: What trends are going on in your school at the moment +BQ?


New member
Sep 15, 2011
BQ: Have you heard "How to Love" by Lil Wayne? Did you like it?
I asked this because I just heard the song a couple of days ago and fell completely in love with it, which is weird because rap isn't usually my choice in music. :3

? Shelby.
We like loose hanging tops colored jeans and hightops kick ball is what my ENTIRE class of thirty plays like every recesss no havent heard the song yet

only in gr six
Yes, I have heard how to Love by Lil Wayne, it has been out for a while now :S but yeah i liked it but it's overplayed on the radio now.
Anyway, as for your other question the "feather in the hair", or feather extension thing has definetly been gettin more popular. Um, sperrys (not my thing) and that's about all i can think of for now. Feather accesories in general such as earing have been very popular. I'm a senior this year so I only care to wear sweats and tees with my curly hair in a big ass bun :)
but I think tomorrow i will dress up.lol
I don't know what type of trend you mean, but I'd say 70% of couples like to make out in front of everyone so you have to walk around them...like, they stop in the middle of the blacktop, and in the hallways, and all over the tables in the quad...guh...-_-


BQ: Yes, I have heard it. I cannot stand Lil Wayne, but I'll listen to this song if it comes on the radio.
So NO ONE in my middle school wore toms but now in high school like everyone who didn't go to my middle school has a pair xD
I think they're just so plain, I do like the navy blue ones though.
Also people still wear uggs for some reason.
Also rompers, though they were more popular in my middle school.

BQ; not a fan
Slutty trend. Short shorts with tank tops. Not that i wear it. I wear colored skinny jeans with a grafic tee. Most girls at my school wear the slutty tend though.
the hipster trend.. i don't really like it but its pretty popular.

BQ: ehh iv heard it so many times im sorta tired of it, but ya its really good song.
Feather Hair clippy things, skinny jeans(as always), toms(still), moccasins, floral flowy shirts, those hideous huge shirts that are shortish, and girls wearing guy hats, you know those wannabe gangster ones.

BQ: i hate lil wayne. He sounds like he has some mouth disease or something.
Super, super tight rainbow colored skinny jeans.

I don't follow the trend, because the people who do literally can't move. They like, limp.
The preppy girls who are in love with jb, the guys who are full of themselves.

For once in my life I'm GLADE to be different B)

Auto tune+ mumbling into mic= Lil Wayne's careere. So that's a no.
Hair feathers.
Sweatpants. ( victorica secret ).
Still summery clothes.

BQ: Yupp. :)
I loved the song. It's so nice and mellow.
I instantly fell in love too. ?
Sperrys, Phiten titanium necklaces, fat bands, and yes i have heard it, i dont care for it, but i do like rap....a lot
Heels, short pencil skirts, dresses, sandals, etc. I don't understand why one would wanna wear heels or a skirt/dress to school?
BQ: It's..alright. I'm not a big fan of Lil Wayne, only like Gonorrhea and Nightmare of the Bottom.