Do you prefer DVD or Blue-ray?

DVD. Blue-Ray is expensive, and ti's not really much different. Not like DVD and VHS.
What's the difference?

I guess I'd have to say DVD since I already own a player & lots of DVDs.
Blue-Ray just seems to be another way to suck money out of my wallet w/o my knowing anything about the product.
Once you go blu-ray, you'll never go back. 'Cept you need an HD TV or else it's just not worth it.
I like DVD it is old fashion and less complicated then Blue-Ray. Plus i kinda don't know exactly what Blue-Ray is!
DVD. Blue Rays are over-priced, in my opinion, and I didn't notice a significant difference in picture quality between the two.
VHS!!!! why must everything be upgraded? i understand u need a little upgraded but vhs was more easier then freaking dvds and dvds and blueray some freaking thing one is just cost more then the other
I'd say blue rays have more to offer though I've still been watching DVDs once I can afford a blue ray player I will get one.