What are your topics of Interest?


New member
Aug 20, 2011
I though of having some independent learning on topic's that I normally don't learn about in school. What I mean is I would spend 2 hours every weekend to learn about Sharks, what they eat, where they live ect.

But I don't know what other things I could do? What are your interests, or a topic that you know a lot about?
I also love Sharks ~ I live on The Isle of Man ~ and the Basking Sharks pass through our waters every year ~ I just love seeing them ~ this video clip was taken off The Isle of Man ~
I am also very interested in Motor cycle racing ~ we have The TT and The Manx Grand Prix Races over here every year ~ they are road races ~
Shakespeare's comedies
The inventions of Nikola Tesla
Marine biology; in particular, cephalopods

Hey, Party Hat Nerd... You're pretty cool.
i would like to know more about
the aztec culture
native american tribes of texas
flamenco dancing
tai chi
national costumes
and folkloric dancing
Do they teach much about social enterprise, or social capital in the free market at the moment. It's starting to look like it's going to be a useful thing to know about in the near future.
Art deco architecture
Regency architecture
World travel
Underground systems (metros)
Urban subcultures
Football statistics
Ambient groove music
New age spirituality and metaphysics
Politics; the issues of the world today and how the past can influence society and relationships yet build new ones by the years. eg, the current shift in power from the West to the East and vice versa during the industrial revolution