What iOS jailbreak will give me iOS 4-like multitasking abilities?


New member
Aug 13, 2011
I have an iPod Touch 3G 8GB 4.2.1 (2G), and i would like to have the same multitasking abilities as the iPod's that have iOS 4.3 installed. The only way that I'm aware of being able to do this is jailbreaking, which I'm fine with. I have tried the Sn0wbreeze jailbreak, which gives the option for multitasking, but it simply doesn't work. I will tap to open an App in the multitasking bar and it locks my iPod. Just need to know if there is another way to get the multitasking I want.
You can download backgrounder from cydia. It let's you multitask several apps at a time.
Or you can download ifile. in ifile goto system/library/coresevices/springboard.app/ (I think for iPods it's N18.plist or N84.plist. idk something with and N.plist) go into that N##.plsit and type in


then respiring
Unfortunately, 3G iPod touches dont have the interface to provide multitasking. I also tried searching for a jailbreak that supports it but none have worked properly so i just gave up on it.