What would Abraham Lincoln think of Obama?


May 13, 2008
I like the picture in this link of Obama speaking before a picture of Lincoln in a posture of thought; as if Lincoln is thinking of what stands before him.
Lincoln would be ashamed of him and ashamed of us for electing him. He wanted to send the blacks back to Africa.
He thought that he had already beaten slavery, but the gray team ended up winning after all.
the obama should create the oil police and raid toyota and free the u.s. from the oil companies like lincoln did the slaves .
lincoln would see in regard police have of citizens similar attitudes as those of slave masters and corporations as the inheritors of that with you are a lazy bum if not working for us attitude.
so lincoln would form the oil police and have the corporations dismantled
Sean, I am sure Lincoln sees him in a much better light than you do.

He was not only an educated man, but an intelligent one as well.

You have a long way to go, in either category.
I really do not think it really matters what Abraham Lincoln thinksof Obama, the simple fact that he too is standing before the nation as a President of the United states of America voted by the people, to serve the people as did Lincoln as another great president is enough. Obama is often compared to Lincoln in that he inspires a "New Birth of Freedom".