Am i going crazy no joke?


New member
Aug 6, 2011
Ok so I'm 17 and I'm christian , I'm healthy so no vitamen needs , since january this year I have been seeing weird stuff everywhere , like evil symbols everywhere even when I'm in class and doing math a symbol will turn into a relegion symbol , I can speak like 7 laung, ching to italian to afrikaan but I can't spell in them , since I was born I could do this ,, and I keep on talking to god everyday like today is my birthday I turned 18 today ! I keep to tell god what's his problem with me and I swear at him witch I never did , I got this dream where jesus was naughty that's why he was sent to earth to be punish by god that's why jesus said in the garden god I don't want to be crusified but if its your wil so be it ? And then when he raised into heaven god fetced him ? Don't hate me but comaan something up , I am into relegion now like mad searching muslim , hindu , and so on , something keeps on telling me I'm the devil ? So I have went around also saying to people I'm the devil in discuise dunno why ?and I'm not goth I was like a ordinary guy doing shit in math now suddenly I get a+ ? and I'm posting this now cause I hav had dreams also of 3 people with white around them ? And they hav all died so I'm like freaked out cause it was my uncle , my neigbor my friend so far 2 hav died and its freaking me out. I also have a jewish star on my hand that faith lines ? I'm not jokeing so no bad stuff and I'm not going to tell my parent maybe they send me two the loonie bin , and I am very hansome ( good looking guy !)ut latley I hav been thinking I'm ugly and stuff not cul man , I'm trying to become a musician also and I talk to myself 24(7 and I argue with myself and make fu-+ up deals saying if I don't do this in ten seconds I bet the life of my parents and I don't want two but I can't help it it makes me mad I say no I don't want to do this deal and I end up running to finish line everytime just in time , I'm not crazy I don't smoke or drink do drugs I'm a good guy
It sounds as though you have that disease, "Asperger's Syndrome" because people who have it swear out loud in public at everyone in sight.

It sounds like possession of the Devil to me though. You should tell your parents or go to the Doctor secretly because you do need help. Trust me on this one. If you don't get help, you will embarrass yourself in public on day quite unexpectedly.
Ok so I'm 17 and I'm christian , I'm healthy so no vitamen needs , since january this year I have been seeing weird stuff everywhere , like evil symbols everywhere even when I'm in class and doing math a symbol will turn into a relegion symbol , I can speak like 7 laung, ching to italian to afrikaan but I can't spell in them , since I was born I could do this ,, and I keep on talking to god everyday like today is my birthday I turned 18 today ! I keep to tell god what's his problem with me and I swear at him witch I never did , I got this dream where jesus was naughty that's why he was sent to earth to be punish by god that's why jesus said in the garden god I don't want to be crusified but if its your wil so be it ? And then when he raised into heaven god fetced him ? Don't hate me but comaan something up , I am into relegion now like mad searching muslim , hindu , and so on , something keeps on telling me I'm the devil ? So I have went around also saying to people I'm the devil in discuise dunno why ?and I'm not goth I was like a ordinary guy doing shit in math now suddenly I get a+ ? and I'm posting this now cause I hav had dreams also of 3 people with white around them ? And they hav all died so I'm like freaked out cause it was my uncle , my neigbor my friend so far 2 hav died and its freaking me out. I also have a jewish star on my hand that faith lines ? I'm not jokeing so no bad stuff and I'm not going to tell my parent maybe they send me two the loonie bin , and I am very hansome ( good looking guy !)ut latley I hav been thinking I'm ugly and stuff not cul man , I'm trying to become a musician also and I talk to myself 24(7 and I argue with myself and make fu-+ up deals saying if I don't do this in ten seconds I bet the life of my parents and I don't want two but I can't help it it makes me mad I say no I don't want to do this deal and I end up running to finish line everytime just in time , I'm not crazy I don't smoke or drink do drugs I'm a good guy

There is no need to get so worried about it... I think this is just a phase of life and it will get over, talking about the demons in life, Man, they just do not exist. Every worry and illusion related to it is just you own creation. You are the one to overcome it :)
I think if you just sit down with a professional counselor and talk about these things with him/her, the two of you will be able to sort it all out. At 18, you are young and don't have a thorough understanding of things in the world, including religions. Talking to a professional who is older and trained in these things will help you a great deal. You don't need your parents permission to see a counselor. Just a referral from your family doctor.
One whom is crazy, may not notice that they truly are.. I think you should just talk to a doctor, that doesn't mean you are crazy it could very well mean you are stressed out. Lots of people can have break downs and begin hearing, seeing, imagining things because they are overwhelemed and/or stressed out. Maybe you are pushing yourself to hard to reach your dreams?

I think you should speak to someone you trust about your feelings. If you wish to you could even speak to a person in charge of your church or which ever type of building of kind worship may it be.. I think a doctor would be best because a doctor is required by law to not tell anyone so long as you are not a harm to yourself or others.

Try to relax and take a day to be lazy, watch a happy movie or even go out for a jog.. that always helps me :)

Best Wishes