Atheists, is it possible you have been sold a fantasy about a bright future


New member
Dec 7, 2010
for mankind based on science? .. did you ever consider someone or some people may have presented that to you for some hidden agenda?
I could ask theists the same question

No one presented me anything... I used my brain.
LIfe is good my friend, the future gets better . . . not a matter of faith which would have us believe that the future is going to be interrupted by the end of days . . . yeesh.
Yeah, they told me long ago that one day in the far away future there would be machines that wash your clothes, boxes that let you talk to people who are miles away, and carriages that move without any horses in front!

I mean sure, those all exist now, but we all know God put them there. Science had nothing to do with it.

Science has given your grandparents a wonderful future already. Why would we be suspicious of something that has provided us tangible results? Seventy years ago, you would have been worried about your children contracting polio. Perhaps you could pray to protect them, and maybe that would work, but it is thanks to the science of vaccination that you don't have these fears.


The bright future is already here! Science promised it after the scientific method was invented centuries ago.

We have horseless carriages and cures for diseases and buildings the size of mountains!
Nope. I have checked the work of the scientific community and witnessed the checks and balances of peer review that make your proposal absurd. No future is promised, only the best way of revealing the truth.
we can look at our past. the present is brighter than the past, because of science and technology. and a bit of more civilized philosophy.

Tis ok to think before asking a question.
This is quite possibly the strangest question coming from someone likely to belong to a religion in that this is exactly the sort of question an atheist would ask them about their mindless following of imaginary beings.

(1) Atheism is dependent on science, however, atheists are likely to point to science when trying to demonstrate some of the silliness associated with some religious practices and beliefs. Especially when an ill informed majority try to inflict those silly beliefs on a defenseless public.

(2) People who know little of science, but a lot of history and philosophy are also very comfortable with atheism and mankinds future. Are you not? If so, you could be a follower of Jesus (someone who preached the Apocolypse was coming ~2000 years ago, but was wrong).

Science doesn't sell anything. People with agendas sell things. If you are postulating that people use science (and religion) to push an agenda, you are correct. There are always people out there trying to use widespread ignorance to their benefit. Spread the Word! Caveat Emptor!
The long-term future of mankind is pretty bleak. What fantasies have you been reading?

But then again I am not insane and follow no religion, would probably be better to ask your fellow people if you need some kind of support in your conspiracy theory.
Science gives you a refrigerator, stove, television, house with insulation, vaccinations, medicine...must I go on?