So I told my mom I'm not Christian?


May 14, 2008
My mom is Christian. I told her that I believe evolution & the "big bang" is true, that I don't agree with the bible, that I believe in "god" but not religion & that even if she thinks I'm going to hell for it I can't change how I feel. I thought she would freak out & yell at me about how I'm letting the "devil" have too much influence over me, yada yada yada. However, she actually surprised me. She told me that I worry her sometimes & that she doesn't know everything including whether or not my beliefs condemn me to "hell" but she believes "god" has a plan for us.

I don't actually believe in a "god" but I'll never tell her that. I just tell her different people interpret "god" in different ways & she knows my stance on the bible & religion in general. At first she kept "not so subtlety" hinting that I should join a church but now we just don't generally speak of anything religious. It's been a few weeks but I'm still a little in shock of her reaction. I mean, I'm pretty sure it was good & I'm not complaining but it just wasn't what I expected is all. Anyway, when you told your parent(s) you didn't identify with their religion what was their reaction? Was it what you expected? Was it good/bad? What, if any, religion do they/you identify with? Just curious.