Christian responses please to problems?


New member
May 26, 2011
So I have been dating my girlfriend for a while now. In the beginning we did some sexual things, but never led all the way to actual sexual intercourse but still a quite a lot of things. I recently turned from all of that because I realized the Lord would not approve and I turned back towards Him.

My girlfriend and I have both agreed to wait until marriage for sexual activities and she is also starting to form a relationship with God.

The problem is that we still have these feelings and no matter how far I flee from temptation or try to avoid it, sometimes I end up falling back into some sexual sin, but not as far as it went in the beginning, but a little here and there especially with the problem of dry humping.

The thing is that I went through such a long period of guilt and depression after the first things we did in the beginning of the relationship and finally started coming out of it. These smaller things that I fall into sometimes make me feel guilty too and I end up turning to God right after words praying that he gives me the strength to avoid it in the future and to ask Him for his forgiveness.

Does God forgive me for the times that I commit those types of sin again? Even if sometimes they happen in close succession with each other? I have gone a long period of time without any of that stuff, but then sometimes find myself falling again sometimes two or three times in a row

Thanks for the help
God bless
Are you looking for more guilt or something?

You haven't done anything wrong, just enjoy your life, its the only one you're gonna get.
>_> You don't have to be Christian in order to answer's not like none of us converted before.
Assuming God is real...and as "kind" as the theists say he is...and not like when he was in the OT(Hopefully that was just a bad day in the life of god and he felt like blowing stuff up)
He should forgive you for not being able to resist a natural feeling.