Which friend should I bring on vacation?


May 14, 2008
This Summer sometime in late june or mid july we are going on vacation and my mom was looking at places and decided if she can get her van fixed by the time vacation rolls around I can bring a friend, the thing is I can't choose!!
1) I've know her since 7th grade so for 4 years her name is Kim and we are probably the closes out of all my friends besides my absolute best friend who moved to brazil a few months ago sadly :( anyways me and her have some good times we she cracks me up, because I think she is Truly the meaning of dumb blonde with some of the things she says but that's why I love her!

2) We really started becoming friends around the beginning of 10th grade so only about a year but we're still pretty good friends. Her name is Lacey. we hang out a lot and have some pretty crazy times, and we have more things in common like our love for animals.

So if I do end up being able to bring someone who should it be Kim or Lacey? thanks in advance!
If you can't decide between the two then you shouldn't ask either one. That way there is no conflict between the three of you. Go on your vacation with your family and send both of them post cards letting them know you miss their company and can't wait to get back. That way no body's feeling are hurt. Just my opinion
Kim. If she moved away, then you probably will not be able to spend much time with her so I suggest that you bring her along.
Kim because you would mess up your relationship if you brought somebody who you've known for a shorter amount of time. Trust me been there done that and i dont want you to experiance the drama........ it really wasnt my fault.....the other girl was having a bad day and decided to take it out on me