hamster for newbie 13 years old?

All hamsters will bite if threatened or startled, but teddy bear (or syrian hamsters) are the best. Syrian hamster are basically the regular sized hamsters. Don't get dwarf hamsters if you don't want a biter. Dwarf hamster are way more nippy and fast and hard to handle. Not ALL of them are like this, but I'd still go with a syrian hammy :)
Teddy bear hamster. Their super friendly. Sweet. Nice. Oh their soo furry and adorable.
Make sure you have food/ Cage/ Toys/ a ball/ and yes a wheel. GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR NEW FURRY FRIEND!! :)
syrians are the best, im also 13 and have one and i love them dont get a dwarf beause they bite alot but syrians dont and they LOVE to be held and played with ! There absolutley amazing and they are perfect for first time (or any time) hamster owners :)
Hope this helps and hope you choose syrians :)
I recommend going to a little pet store and asking there for a hamster. I had one before and she did not bite. I think her breed was Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamsters. this is something that I found about them.

Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamsters (Phodopus sungorus)
Dwarf Winter White Russian hamsters are similar in behavior to Dwarf Campbell Russians in that they are active during the day and can be kept in same sex pairs or groups. However, they do not have the reputation for biting when nervous, and they are generally very sweet and personable. They are very small and quick though, so they can be a challenge for young children to handle safely.

Dwarf Winter White Russians come in three colors: Sapphire, Pearl, and a combination of the two called Sapphire-Pearl. Pearl is a white pattern where white hairs are sprinkled throughout the coat, and Sapphire is a purple-gray color. Sapphire Winter White Russians have a gray undercoat, a thick gray stripe along their spines, and an ivory colored stomach.

Dwarf Winter White Russians are very small and compact, measuring only 3-1/2" to 4" as full grown adults. Because they are so tiny, an aquarium is generally a safer housing choice than a wire cage. The average life span of a Dwarf Winter White Russian hamster is about 2 years.
any hamster would be good the trick is to not scare or corner the hamster or it will bite and get stressed out my trick when i was about your age was to take the top of the cage off and grab the hamster from above so it does not feel threatened.
i would say a teddy bear hamster
i have a dwarf and he doesn't bite at all but whichever one you would like if you are allowed to hold a hamster at a pet store just reach 4 1 of them and whichever 1 doesn't try 2 bite you and you like that hamster i would say get that 1