I broke my finger today at my soccer game. It swelled up to about the size of a golf ball and I can't move it. My coaches and teammates were very concerned and I called my mom to tell her she may need to come down because I might not be able to drive home. While waiting I iced it and it went down a tiny bit. She sounded very angry on the phone. And when she came she was yelling at me while my dad was asking if I was ok. Since the swelling went down, my coach taped it up and I went back in because my mom left. When I got home, she kept yelling at me saying she's not taking me to the doctor and I kept telling her I don't want to go unless I have to. Then I ask her what her problem is and she says I didn't sound like I was in pain on the phone, so since I wasn't ballin my eyes out, it's not really serious and she doesn't care. She had surgery last year and I was the only one that cared for her when no one else would.That made me so mad. I don't want to talk to her right now. Ideas?