Relationship question?


Active member
May 12, 2008
So I have been going out with this girl for 6 months now, I am pretty happy with her, but I have had some serious problems with her. There have been 3 big ones:

She went to smoke weed. I wanted to go, but she said she wasnt going so i didnt go. but she went anyway.

Another time, we were both going to a party to smoke.her friend, who like her, is on the softball team, was gonna drive us both to the party. She was supposed to get me after baseball practice, but she skipped, left, and didnt tell me. then she told me she basically didnt want me to smoke, even though i was with a friend who i could have smoked with. she said wanted my first time to be with her, even though she was still going to. I comrpomised my beliefs to fit in with her and our friends so i wouldnt feel left out but i still ended up feeling left out
And finally, she never tells me anything. For example, she went to a guys house who she used to like, and never told me. she said she was going to her aunts house (he told me cause wer friends) she talked to another guy about our physical relationship but when i asked her about it she said she didnt want to talk. I think I really need to break up with her, but idk how. How do i do it? and does anyone else think she is maybe not a good gf?
she is very independent and I can tell that you don't like that.
it may also be that she is not that into you.

wait it out a little and see how it goes? maybe talk to her about how you are feeling.
if things still don't get better, then just tell her that you don't think it is working for you and move on!