Why are the words "gay," "homo," and "f*ggot" the most common insults today?


New member
Nov 14, 2010
Why are the words "gay," "homo," and "f*ggot" the most common insults today?

Okay, I would first like to state for the record that I am totally straight. But I have never seen any problems with those who have a different lifestyle and/ or orientation than myself- they are just people living their lives like I live mine. Why is it then that the words "gay," "f*g," "queer," and other similar anti gay slurs are literally the most common form of insult I hear at my high school? Are people really that pathetic that they must resort to calling someone a homosexual? I mean, I have never heard a white guy get called the N word before. I have never heard people taunting a Christian for being an Atheist, or an able bodied person being made fun of for being disabled. Yet straight people get called gay all the time! What is wrong with the American culture? Have we become so hateful and intolerant that we must condemn people for their alleged private lives, which is truly none of our business anyway? Has homophobia become the new racism? Let me know what you think.
It took you this long to realize this?

People always use gay as a derogatory term. At my high school too and we have a gay straight alliance club!

I know it's sad but just whenever you hear it give somebody sh'it for it.
I noticed a lot of guys and some girls are insecure with themselves in high school. I hear slang like that in my high school too but most people don't mind that I'm gay.
May not seem pleasant, but it's a way some people express their freedom of speech. If you disapprove of something then you have the right to express it, thats just the way it is.

The thing is you know as well as I do they flaunt their homosexuality, theres nothing private about it so stop trying to candy coat it.
Because they are huge insults!

I'd rather somebody call me a stupid fucking asshole cunt son of a bitch than gay or f*ggot.

F*ggot and gay are what i would least want to be called because it is such a huge insult!
My personal observation has been that those terms are used very often by insecure high school boys trying to convince themselves and others that they are indeed "normal," ie straight. Usage seems to drop off in college as people become more secure w/ themselves and have developed sexual identies. Amongst adults, I never hear it. Maybe it's just the people I associate with, but I never hear other adults say "that's so gay" or "you're such a queer." I do here the occasional "fag" or "faggot," but even there its not that often.
I think you are misinterpretting what your class mates mean. When young people say that is so gay or quit being a f@g, they are not making reference to gay people. They are making reference to behaviours and attitudes they find annoying. For example, my friend tells me the teacher gave us extra homework and I say thats so gay, that teacher is a total f@ggot. Has nothing to do with the sexual orientation of the teacher or the homework. In this case gay meant annoying or disappointing and f-ggot meant annoying person. Did not matter to me who he sleeps with or if he was really gay or straight. Just a figure of speech. Like saying I'm going to crack ya has nothing to do with white people (crackers)
Your closing observation/question may be closer to the truth than we realise. Yes homophobia may be the new racism....

I guess its not so much the words used as the intent they are used with.