how to recover email when alt. email cant be accessed and mobile number has been...


New member
Mar 14, 2011
...changed? what can i do about recovering my email address when i can't log into my alternate email address (because hotmail deletes accounts that aren't logged into for over a year) and my mobile number thats registered with my account has been changed? when i click the link "i can't access any of the above" it literally takes me to a page that says "we can't help you".
this all started when i tried to log into my other email at gmail and my password wasn't working. so after waiting 24 hours for repeated failed log ins, i reset my password and logged into my gmail and a notification came up at the top of the page above all my mail saying that an IP address from virginia has been accessing my account...then i try my yahoo mail and the password isn't working. i am 20 years old and still in college and am very concerned because my yahoo email has a lot of personal information (tax stuff, school stuff, other stuff that is linked directly to my SS) within the mail and right now it is looking like i have no way to get my email address back. if it weren't for the fact that i have such personal stuff in my email i would have just made a new address and been done with it. can someone help me? i have the IP address and location.... do i need to contact the IRS or the FBI?