What's the deal with Faux newz and all their peroxided blonde women?


New member
Mar 14, 2011
some of them might even be of hispanic descent ..really dark brows, but yet they HAVE TO bleach the hair.

What gives?
me too @ thomas, but just about every female that goes on that channel has obviously bleached hair

Is that a way of appealing to older right wing *men*?
*too hot for my tv* about a supposed newscaster ..i guess i see the reason behind the peroxided marketing
What's the deal with the blatant sexism from you Libbie's? Didn't your mother's raise you better than this? You are pathetic.
FOX Sucks
Don't watch it, don't enable them. We need more people on the good side. Please!

You don't want to reserve your spot in future textbooks are those trying to mitigate POSITIVE progress.
It is a questionable fact that light/blonde hair color is a marker of youth and fertility,... which most people, men in particular, find attractive and desirable. And, lighter color hair is usually more scarce or rare (exotic), however, I could argue not now a days. Just proves it's not just about news anymore...it's about ratings.
You may be more comfortable watching Jersey Shore than a news and information channel.
That Megyn Kelly is too hot. My TV monitor smokes. She's even hotter pregnant. You can't say that about many women.