If you were really evil...?

Destroy the worlds economy putting all countries in Peril.

Get nations to fight with each other possibly starting another World War and watch things unfold whilst creating a nation to rise from the ruins.

Start a world super power at conquer other countries like Russia, China, America.

Destroy the moon somehow.
I would manipulative people to do work for me and I'd become a ruler. I'd wipe out anyone who doesn't want to work for me and speaks against me.

EDIT: However, I think I'd kill the people who are against me silently. If others knew I was killing people for not agreeing with me, they wouldn't support me and I'd lose power quickly. And that clearly doesn't fit in my plans.
I don't like murderer evil people. I like evil geniuses that play with people's minds and drive them crazy. You could have a guy that played with peoples minds so much that it drove them to insanity and caused them to kill themselves. He could use that to get to top people such as the government and destroy the gov as we know it by playing with everyone's minds and getting them to go insane.
Hope that helps a bit!
IF I was really evil, my Master Plan would be instant irradication of ignorant people who post stupid questions as my first evil deed.
Randomly torture people by killing off the ones they love then slowly remove a body part all the while giving them adrenaline shots so they stay awake.

Push an old lady down.
Social terrorism a la Palahniuk. Change hair dye packets in the boxes at the store so eveyrone dyes their hair the wrong color, blow up America's centers of business and credit card companies (no human casualties if necessary, would be more poignant if it could be done without human death). Destroy social classes, the Internet, digital credit, the stock market, banks, US money mints, incite civil riot aming Americans to start this country over, etc. You know, the little stuff.