HELP: Can you assist me in coming up with a novel title?


New member
Mar 7, 2011
Sorry, this is a re-post because last time I had numerous people telling me to call my story "Nevermore", but there are multiple books with that same title.


I've been listing titles I love, trying to come up with some that resemble them(not completely). I have about three pages of possible titles but... I don't like their "flow".

Can you lend some creativity and help me come up with a title?

I can't say much about the story, but it involves a tyrant prince. He's trying to become king after his father's murder. The story has many biblical aspects too(not so happy ones).

I've always loved the word "nevermore", so I was trying to make a title around it... I had no luck.
Thank you!
P.S. I know publishing companies often change titles, but that's not my concern. I just need a title and have had no such luck. :(