what are cool things to do with a laser pointer?


nick c

i got a laser pointer and i got shape attachments. but i got bored so is the anything i can do to have more fun with it.
Visit your local movie theatre, And give the audiance a laser light show.
Fun things to do with laserpointer

wait until nighttime, then see how far your laser will hit. OR you can turn off your lights shine the laser and get a spray can and spray it wear the beam should be and you will see the line of the laser.Note: when i say spray can i dont mean graffiti i mean water.

point it towards the moon and wach it bounce back off the mirrors the Apollo astrounauts put up there so Aliens could see themselves!

i was outside a chip shop and there was a bald guy inside, i shone it on his head and the people were looking at it and asking him what it was. so funny!!! but be careful doing that because you can get it taken away and get in trouble. that guy was clueless...
what to do when your bored with a laser pointer

in the night go to yout window and flash it in front of outher people they will wonder what in the world it is!!!!!!!

Try to hit a mirror then bounce back with another and keep on seeing how many times you can reflect it.
street signs

stand next to a straight length of a major highway and see how far away you can luminate the road signs. my record is a mile and three quarters
Green Laser

I was walking the street in front of the Alamo. I noticed that 2 to 3 year old kids will chase the laser dot just like a cat or dog. Then the parents get mand and spank them for putting their hands on the dirty ground.
funny stuff

if u still in skool shine it on the cieling/roof when the teacher isnt looking.
wait until dark when the street lamps turn on, and point it to the photo sensor atop the lamp. wait about 5-10 seconds and if your pointing it in the right place the lamp should go out.

well i shined it out my friends window it was a pen laser pointer (red)and i aimed it on the dude and the guy started jumping but NEVER shine it at a jet airplace etc.you can get arrested or serious trouble

point it in your eye for 2 hours and thw world will all
be black. Its awesome you should try it
Funy as hell

You can drive a cat or dog crazy!!! So FUNNY and priceless!!:emot0::crazy: