posing ideas with a street bike?


New member
Feb 10, 2011
My fiance bought me an 07 R6 for valentines days. It's hot pink and white. I ordered a bunch of lingerie. I have someone coming over to take my pictures. But i need ideas of poses and things to do in the pictures that ill be giving him on valentines. Any ideas are great! Guys help, what would turn you on? Pictures so i can actually see would be the best. Thanks!!
Bending over the bike in almost any fashion will get ANY guy's attention.

On the bike, off the bike, side saddle, straddling the bike.....

Hey, we're GUYS - you know, easy to please and all that.
Not knowing your experience level,.... if I were you I would try to find out if your intended has a monster life insurance policy out on you.

You want poses? make damn sure to get a clear look at your face so the funeral home can make you look natural....

Your fiance doesn't think too much of you to give you a machine that is clearly designed to perform beyond your skills.