What is the estimated start-up costs for a custom car audio/accessories/etc shop?


New member
Feb 3, 2011
I have some friends interested in starting up a custom audio/accessories/install shop for cars. They would do custom audio installs, navigation, wheels, accessories, navigation, etc. and maybe move up to performance auto parts. I know you need to find a place (we have one in mind) get permits, get tools from wholesalers (already two lifts at the location) initial stock on parts, business partnerships, etc. We were just curious what an estimated start up price would be? Thanks.
This will be happening in about 2 years, so we do not have actual prices down yet, we are just looking for an estimate.
You are the only one that can figure that out. Go to http://www.score.org/template_gallery.html and download the Excel template for estimating startup costs.
YOU will have to do eth research based on what equipment you plan to have and how much inventory you will be carrying - could $3000 - could be $50,0000

you should also expect that you might not be able to take any actual salary for awhile - your rent, utilities, payroll and sales taxes have to be paid first as well as replenishing inventory as it is sold and other costs