Fullmetal Alchemist trivia! Easy points! 10 points to highest answer?


May 24, 2008
Here, I'm bored so I decided to make a little trivia quiz based on the Fullmetal Alchemist series. I'll give 10 points to the answer with the most correct answers. Even if you don't know much about Fullmetal Alchemist I'd like to see what you come up with, Just guess if you have to! All questions will apply to the 2003 anime, the manga, and the 2009 anime. Here we go.

#1. What is Maes Hughes' military identification code?

#2. What two characters share she same birthday?

#3. As a state alchemist Edward Elric holds what military rank?

#4. It is stated that most alchemists document their research in code, in what way does Edward code his research?

#5. Three people have singlehandedly delt a killing blow to a homunculus, who are these three people?

#6. There is a diffrance in the timeline of the world that is seen for most of the story and the (so-called) "real world" ment to resemble our world. In a matter of years how big is the time diffrance? (extra points if you list your source for this one in FULL detail)

#7. King Bradley's English voice actor, Ed Blaylock, shares a common last name with the author of what 1986's science fiction comedy novel? (if you get this one right you are by far the most awesome person ever to watch [or read] Fullmetal Alchemist)

There ya' go! I'll give this question a couple of days and choose an answer then!