(T-Mobile) Blackberry vs. Iphone question.?


New member
Jul 15, 2008
Quick question. I use to have the Iphone with AT&T. I switch to a Blackberry with T-mobile cause they offer a UMA network that works only off WIFI. The reason I need this is because at home I have no service due to living in thew middle of nowhere. So on my Blackberry i can still send and receive texts and make phones calls and such. A friend of mine was telling me that his Iphone can do this to but when I had mine it never did? So can you use an Iphone on just wi-fi send a receive texts and make phone calls with out an app?
Honestly if I were you i would go to the apple website and ask them the question via email of forum. All your gonna get here is apple people saying that the iphone is amazing and u should stay with that, they are not going to fully answer the question. Ive used both and they are both good products but dont know anything with the wifi. never use it